Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What is Naturalistic Intelligent Design?

ABSTRACT:I first offer an overview and then provide a definition of naturalistic intelligent design (NID). I do so by discussing each term making up NID. In a world where creationism elaborates views of religions and traditional ID encroaches on them, and where evolutionary theory borders on the use of magical, mechanical explanations in the sense of magic as defined by Bronislaw Malinowski (offering largely process/step, noncausal explanations) as well as unmeasurable, grandiose abstractions of processes, naturalistic intelligent design may end up being the best nature-focused explanation for origins. Each of its models must be entirely naturalistic in scope and composition and include at least one feature of intelligence as a contributory cause. No reference to or use of supernatural explanations is made. NID models, nonetheless, span the whole gamut of scientific levels of consideration ranging up to hard physical science explanations such as control genes operating as intelligent processors, down through the socio-intelligence causes of domestication, to pseudo-scientific views such as time travel and alien modification of genomes. At the end of this entry, I leave a very succinct overview of my secondary research findings and a prospectus for future natural intelligent design research.

The need for naturalistic intelligent design models seems rather obvious: Modern science has practically ignored discussions of intelligence as a factor in cause. Many research investigations and explanations work around factors involving high levels of integration, instead atomizing and mechanizing processes along the way. Science here tends to favor parsimony, and this approach could be overly reductionistic as a result. Loving naturalism does not require one to be in bed with parsimony or fascinated by particle physics or mechanical representation. In some scientific fields, a tabu exists on using input-output processed activity in explanations, and this is very evident in studies of origins. Probably, origin studies have atomized their explanations in order to avoid the high levels of integration that consider functional, systemic activity or the processing of sensory input/outputs as a cause in genetic change. Consequently, they avoid tests that could investigate cause to avoid getting involved with detailed explanations, focusing instead on probabilities or general qualitative processes. It turns some of their explanations into descriptive statistical statements, and others of them into nonempirical esoteric propositions. Empirical testing lies in the middle ground between the two, and is usually missing. Naturalistic intelligent design seeks to correct this, to judiciously put back into scientific investigation some of what has been imprudently deleted or just merely ignored.

I did not invent the term naturalistic intelligent design (NID). Other writers have used it, including Warren Bergerson, Glenn Shrom (See Response 15), and Chris Cogan. Bill Schultz has made a call for the development of such a field of study and CJYMAN has posted some very lucid and intriguing discussions of the term on the Internet. Here I will provide mainly my own ideas, since current discussions of the term do not demonstrate any long-standing or elaborate use of the term. Of course, the best definition would be developed in collaboration with a group of knowledgable contributors, so I especially would like to request reader assistance in this area. Please feel free to offer comments about defining NID. If you do so near the time of the blog posting, I promise to seriously consider your comment, refining my own definition as needed. In the following paragraphs, I will supply a discussion and definition of the term NID organized around an explanation of each of the words comprising it. I take this basic initial approach in hopes of simplifying understanding for readers.

Naturalism is the queen of the sciences. It is one of the finest, most enduring tenets to be found in science. The doctrine has a long and venerable history. Many scientists cling to it adamantly, often as a matter of scientific integrity or firm professional principle, and this is especially true of people who study origins, the topic area I will discuss in this blog. Indeed naturalism has long filled the role of watch-dog for science, legitimizing knowledge and keeping scientific inquiry distinctive and resilient. It also protects it from ideologies that actively compete against it in society and would otherwise pollute it: intuition, common sense, revelation, tradition, mores, a priori beliefs, societal prescriptions, and social prejudices, just to name a few. And this is not to mention views that can and do corrupt science due to government’s oftimes support and abuse of it—political views. Science's long-standing policy of conducting scientific research by amassing real world data and performing natural observation has kept it a productive and secular enterprise. It also has resulted in the fundamental grounding of all scientific explanations in the physical world and in real world causes. There is much to be said for this. Much good has come from it. Naturalistic intelligent design works within this framework of naturalism.

Scientific naturalism is applied as one of science's investigatory policies. Science routinely excludes phenomena having no real world referents. Science thus becomes investigation, explanation and theoretical conjecture performed using purely natural terms. This historic practice of conducting investigation into phenomena as a purely real world, physical activity has gone so far as to result in the terms science, empiricism, and naturalism becoming nearly synonymous, at least, in the common person’s vernacular. Becoming a scientist is thus virtually equivalent to being acculturated in the investigation of real world processes and/or phenomena.

Scientific methodology, too, is essentially empirical in character, and this is especially true in the so-called hard physical sciences. No appeal is made to realms of the supernatural, magical, or religious for any explanation or description. Notwithstanding, scientific theory does at times have to venture outside a purely observational realm; it has to include parameters that as yet remain outside the realm of the observed, the well-defined, or the well-understood factors of the physical world. This is to explain things. Take the Big Bang, quarks, and genotypes, for example. None of these phenomena can (or could) be directly observed. This caveat is largely limited to the domain of projecting process and cause in theoretical propositions. That is to say, to argue empirical science is essentially rooted in nature and natural observation is not to say that it is an all-seeing enterprise.

I adhere to the doctrine of naturalism. However, I do take issue with what I see as a related matter: I think there is a wanton, non-rigorous dependence on gradualism in origins studies at this time in history. Accumulative gradualism has been confused with naturalism. The view of gradualism as a biological process of accretion is relied on too heavily to be of any practical good in science. I have seen it used as a black box substitute to avoid the need of rigorous, detailed investigation in evolutionary studies. This action is lazy, regretful and completely unnecessary. The appeal to regular, near-limitless time epochs in evolutionary events is a lax approach. It is in fact a scientifically degrading activity, most often performed in most brazen fashion to demonstrate allegiance to the status quo and insulate evolutionary doctrines from legitimate critique. Such long expanses of time ought to be only considered a backdrop on which biological progression has been played out. They are not sufficient, real world cause in and of themselves. Gradualism thus used as a mindnumbing tonic cannot be legitimately substituted in the place of evidence and establishment of cause. Else references to slow, gradual (and thus regular or periodic) progress become an ode to ignorance and pat answer reassuring only the 'faithful', i.e., a cliché’ to keep one professionally above disrepute. In my opinion, Stephen Gould's model of evolution removed the psychological need for uncritical reliance on the exaggerated claims of gradualism in biology and genetics.

In terms of intelligence, what I am most intrigued about is the real world's myriad, brilliant, and intricate features allied with the resilient physical march upward in terms of greater complexity. This latter feature appears to be fundamental across the full operations of nature. This is to say there is an absolute skew in many physical world phenomena (not only in biology) toward increasing complexity over time and an inherent bias in reactions and reproduction for greater intelligence over time. It is as if the universe were biased in favor of complexity and intelligence as well as for enhancing them as a general rule. This sole, undeniable (?)fact is perhaps the best short answer for explaining origins in existence today (at least, according to NID), not any religious views or current, partial scientific views that describe some happenstance or chaotic outcome issuing from directionless processes. Otherwise, an upward direction of processes tangent has to be an accidental shew/bias that our universe has set off on; then its focus becomes a marginally novel or accidentally unique destination only in terms of our standpoint or localized perception. If there is accordingly no underlying cause, i.e., only accident, upward progression should level/top out, or at least show signs of not repeating in myraid variety and at multiple levels of nature.

When I get doubtful of NID, I wonder: Do complexity and intelligence exist as absolute or relative terms? Do they actually exist in the natural world or only in our minds? Perhaps it is an understanding of questions such as this one that will ultimately prove to be the best description our universe. Nevertheless, we should not lose sight of the fact that the novel description is still essentially a description, not an explanation or a cause. Is science actually capable of doing any better? Then follows the corollary, too: Might there be no first cause or starting point, i.e., not only in physics, but in biology as well? Would a biological big bang and any predating causes actually matter?

In my opinion, observations of complexity and intelligence in nature provide some of the most powerful and compelling evidence for the existence of a function of intelligent design in nature. Stated in this way, the underlying of NID cannot easily be denied. However, categorical denial is all many lazy or reductionist-minded people contribute to scientific discussions on origins these days. I call it the introductory/undergraduate (instead of resorting to the closed-minded) approach. Brilliant features reflected in the details of understanding the physical world's makeup, operations and activities (for instance, the physical world's interrelationships, functions, cycles, and biological niches) of necessity show at minimum a directed and persistent bias has operated in nature for many millions of years at multiple levels, and at most, an ongoing process of perfecting instantiated ideals, employing morphology or functional analogies and targets, has occurred. They make the generalized terms of environmental (natural) selection appear as inadequate explanations for the directionality exhibited in the fossil record.

The processes involved may be elusive. They may exist on a plane of operation above the operational understanding (although not the perusal) of biological minds. Nature's functions at this level may be more akin to a computer control mechanism or sensory input/output organ than a biological organism with a brain and drive or will. Even the plant kingdom appears smarter, more persistent, and tenacious in terms of ecology and its oversight of natural processes than we do, routinely speaking (i.e., humans and society).

Such observations could turn origins research on its head, so to speak. Making sense of an intricately operating, ever-increasingly complex, and increasingly smarter universe is equivalent to functionally interpreting it as an intelligent one in terms of its operations and resilient motion or directivity. This has become my definition of naturalistic intelligent design as of late. This view has also turned my pursuit of this subject from an erstwhile hobby into my habitual passion. It is the main reason why I started this blog. Oh, one more thing influenced the choice as well: I'm seeking out other people of similar persuasion or involved in the same kind of intellectual pursuit. Please contact me if you are interested in establishing any form of naturalistic intelligent design rubric.

Intelligence in my view is a prominent and near pervasive feature of the natural world. It should not be merely overlooked for the sake of competing views, but it often is. It should be investigated; but it almost never is. And statements of cause are impoverished by its conspicuous absence. What I am saying here is that the term is under-utilized and dodged for the purpose of most academic explanations. It is as if the matter has been settled conclusively or ruled out categorically in the court of most people's minds. The rationale most typically used is that there is no need to explain further due to nature of parsimony, but the parsimony being referred to here is merely a reduction of the origins inquiry to its atomistic (actually, genetic) levels. Particle explanations applied to higher levels of integration become no explanations at all. For instance, would resorting to a description of atomic particle interactions serve to definitively explain a game played on the Nintendo Wii System? I doubt it. Furthermore, the term intelligence is variously defined, and this complicates discussions, too.

The following situation exists: It is like a defense attorney in our age only needs to provide an excuse to explain away all victimization (cause)at any criminal trial--making an appeal to either the mere interactions of the instruments at the crime scene or an appeal to fate. The appeal becomes the authority, the final word on the matter, and all consideration is thereby stopped. Similarly, a simple-minded gloss or appeal to evolution as the comprehensive, authoritative explanation for biological progression is often employed in science to silence all calls for investigations that would further explain the nature of physical world cause. Once evolution is set in place as the visualized general explanation for origins, all further causal investigation typically ceases. In this sense, evolution is filling the same dogma-preserving role that religious councils did in the Enlightment. The real motive is elitist: to 'protect' the simple-minded masses from being 'fooled' by their inquisitive nature and 'charlatans'. The 'charlatans' are people not toeing the line in the Establishment.

I am aware that I construe intelligence to be a more prominent and persistent force in the physical world than most academics will admit. Still I maintain the scope of intelligent selection in the natural world is larger than what it traditionally has been presumed to be. Its commonly used sense—a mental capacity providing mere guidance for organisms’ actions and physiological processes issuing from the brains and nervous systems in organisms-is insufficient. Computer science has proven intelligence can be more than that. But how much more salient a factor in the real world is it? In my perspective, intelligence is a broader and more saturating phenomenon than most people dare realize, one analogous more to sensory processing and stimulus/response than thinking. Specifically, biological input/output processing, automatic control, and the timing of sequential processes show that intelligence in many organisms is like control processing or coaxing more than it is an act of the intellect or from decision making. We are sometimes slaves to the blinders of our limited mindset and terminologies. Past experience with IQ tests biases many people's conception of intelligence. I also intend to use the term of intelligence both as descriptive and causal (rather than appealing to random coincidence or natural selection alone) in nature, explaining repeated real biological events, analogies seen implicit in physical structures, insights revealing functions, identification of systems and interdependent relationships, and connected, biological processes. In addition, I even sometimes see intelligence at work in the molecular level. The operations of DNA, genes, chromosomes, proteins, anatomical growth, as well as many other physiological processes demonstrate some of aspects of it, especially the presence of complex management of functions, information input-output, specific timing of events, and sequential selective control. Intelligence is also the prime factor that has guided the domestication of plants and animals, and not even solely by human hosts.

The intelligent design paradigm envisions at minimum one of the following as biological targets in the upward-complexity march of organisms: either a pre-planned or pre-envisioned purpose, function, systemic structure/hierarchy, goal or need, or process(es), where it apparently serves to guide the biological progression of species upward. As such, it is more deductive than Darwinism. Darwin posited only an organism’s needs in the natural environment as differentially selective and directionally facilitative. Basically, he wrote of the progression of species as guided by the a very general but potent need, that of surviving to achieve procreation. Evolution therefore theoretically stands outside the prompting of any discernible map, directional influence, or other agency, including biases that could impel it to greater degrees of complexity, intelligence, or physical integration. It thus is more inductive, tracing out its own path to genetic potential using the environment, rather than following its natural structures and principles as a guide. That is why I choose to promote naturalistic ID, or artificial selection, instead of evolution. Naturalistic ID posits a physical world that inherently shadows, even statistically follows high level constructs of nature increasingly over time. Evolution, on the other hand, reflects nature toying in products randomly, mixing and miming functions accidentally over and over again; all the while remaining completely ignorant or oblivious to actual physical functioning or sensory based, input-output control (intelligence) nature may exhibit. Intelligence being behind anything in evolution is a no-no. Any preponderance of evidence to the contrary will not matter. Sorry to say, the current policy in science that suspends the null hypothesis and empirical testing in matters relating to evolution makes a majority of criticisms levelled against nonevolutionists a moot point.

In this blog, I will attempt to describe as well as solicit views from others on natural phenomena, causes, and explanations, especially those that can be attributed to intelligent selective action. I consider the operation of intelligence to be ascertainable in the fossil record, history of the domestication of species, the action of genes, control of complex systems, biological organs’ development and functioning, and even the repetitive features of the physical environment and their analogous structures found throughout multiple levels of the physical universe. These can be objects or events that can be attributed to intelligent operations in terms of a structural description, process, integration, function, antecedant or cause, i.e., from any perspective of observation. (Evolutionists typically deal with only the first two.) Whether I am right or wrong in my pursuit of this remains to be seen in particular cases, I am aware. Still it is a verifiable fact that investigations generally don't find what they fail to look for, even in spite of the fact that investigators' propositions are rarely all correct. So why not have a look is the real question.

Also in this blog, I will strictly avoid any appeals in explanation to theism and discussions about the supernatural. Instead, I intend to outline some of my ideas about intelligent design that are anchored in the actions of nature and of physiology alone, particularly as they are vested in the feature that I call natural intelligence. This inquiry will run the full gamut of seeking intelligence at play at the molecular and genetic levels (in DNA and control genes) up through the work of intelligence exhibited in complex actions and functions of brains. Even inanimate statistical processes (such as the population forces at work in the domestication of species by humans and animals) are candidates for the term intelligent action. I will exhibit Homo sapiens as showing signs of domestication (defined as the selective, accumulative effects of intelligence, manipulation and curtailing of environmental influences, and control by culture) more than from natural selection. I attribute reduction in cranial size, reduction in sexual dimorphism, preponderance of gracile morphological features, and enhanced hand-thumb dexterity to artificial selection, i.e., ultimately, to natural intelligence or naturalistic intelligent design.

I will not, however, attempt to resolve any single matter once and for all--and especially as concerns the highly ambitious (and what I consider scientifically presumptuous) goal of determining ultimate origins or first causes. Instead, I will leave that to the philosophers, theologians, and cosmologists. I will primarily be looking for the forces and events at work that provided impetus or catalyst to biological, neurological, and cultural progression upward in complexity--from the smallest of functions and organisms all the way up to smartest.

NOTES: Consult the web pages below for references by writers mentioned above to the term and/or subject content of "naturalistic intelligent design":

Warren Bergerson at

Glenn Shrom at

Chris Cogan at and at

Bill Schultz at

Also, see more from CJYman at

1 comment:

  1. Richard,

    You say above that you are seeking like-minded people. I am one. In fact, I had planned to start a blog with precisely the title you chose. I have already written and otherwise developed a fair amount of material on this topic, some of it well-received by professionals in the sciences. However, it is proving very difficult to publish in peer-reviewed journals. I will read and comment on everything you have to say, as time allows. (Right now, I'm overwhelmed with business matters.) Some comments will be posted here. Others ought to be communicated privately. You can find my e-mail address at Please contact me.

